Little by little the kettlebells are eating ground to the dumbbells. Before Russian dumbbells we hardly knew them but now they have become an element with many possibilities to train, especially if we do it at home. A kettlebell offers more possibilities for training at home than a dumbbell. However, both can be useful for training at home and depends on our tastes or type of routine.The type of grip that we have in a kettlebell will allow us to make exercises more dynamic, functional and global. It is not the same, for example, to do a squat with a kettlebell that with a dumbbell, with the latter the grip is easier and we can vary it.Rolling exercises like swing are very complete but with a dumbbell would be very difficult to do, not to say impossible. With this we do not mean that the dumbbells are useless or are a bad choice to train at home, it is simply one more option. But kettlebells are more versatile to do routines at home, with more functional and not as analytical movements as can be done with the dumbbells.If you are thinking about training at home, certainly a couple of kettlebells are an option to consider. You will have a wide range of exercises to do, more dynamic and "fun" than we can do with the dumbbells.